€3.700,00 Categories: Bibles/Bindings, Highlights, New Acquisitions 1682 - Kopenhagen, Christian Cassube and Daniel Paulli Nr. 12562
(8) 384 (8), 300 (12) p. Bordeaux-red velvet binding with silver fittings, gilt-edged and gauffered text block, 8°. Danish church book with silver fittings, 8 openwork figural corner fittings, 4 similar hinge plates, 2 oval medallions with openwork border, as well as 2 solid silver clasps of the end of the 18th century. 25 meditations [...]
€3.500,00 Categories: Bibles/Bindings, Highlights, New Acquisitions, Religion 1714 - Nürnberg, 1714 Nr. 12566
(double-page frontispiece) 305 (6) p. 8°. Contemporary calf on wooden boards covered by contemporary embossed and engraved silver plaques and two engraved silver clasps, decorated with a basket of flowers 12 x 6.5 cm.
€2.750,00 Categories: Bibles/Bindings, Highlights, New Acquisitions, Religion 1794 - Marburg, Heinrich Ludwig Brönner Nr. 12567
2 works in 1 binding, (titleplate, 214 (2), 424 (8), 96 p. 8°. Multipainted and gold embossed vellum binding. The central field with a large tree of life growing from a heart: “Singet und spielet dem Herrne in eurm Herzen”.
€2.750,00 Categories: Bibles/Bindings, Highlights, New Acquisitions 1880 - Göteborg, Aktiebolags Nr. 12568
352, 384 p. 8°. Swedish Lutheran hymnal Multipainted and gold embossed vellum binding. The central field with: “With God and with You I will be married” is set within a heart.
Beautiful eighteenth-century silver-filigree binding consisting of a silver front and back cover, spine, and catches.12° H. 6 x L. 4,5 x W. 1 cm. Contents a blank booklet.
Fine and small nineteenth-century silver binding, embossed with classical acanthus, 12° H. 8,5 x L. 6,8 x W. 1 cm. Contents a blank booklet.
€4.500,00 Categories: Bibles/Bindings, Highlights, New Acquisitions, Religion 1713 - Roma, per il Bernabo Nr. 12571
247 p. 8°. Fine red morocco binding, hand-coloured, gilt-edged, and gauffered text block. Rare binding with colorful, painted, and punched gilt edges on all sides from the collection of Hans (Jean) Fürstenberg, 1890-1982. He was a Franco-German banker and book collector.
€4.500,00 Categories: Bibles/Bindings, Highlights, New Acquisitions, Religion Latin 1652 - Antverpiae, ex officina Plantiniana, Balthasaris Moreti Nr. 12572
(48) 398 p. Originele miniatuur Schildpadband met 2 zilveren sloten, 4 zilveren schanierstukken, zilveren rugbeslag, zilveren randen en 8 zilveren nagels, 12°. H. 8,5 x B. 6 x D. 2 cm. (enkele beschadigingen op de rug, krassen op de achterplat.) Plantijn uitgave van de ‘De Imitatione Christi’ van Thomas á Kempis. Aantrekkelijke miniatuur band gebonden [...]
Het nieuwe Zion, vertoonende de heerlickheydt, &c. van Christi Kercke, met de nieuwe Hemel en Aerde.
(12) 696 p. Origineel Perkament met koordjes, 12° (Nieuwe schutbladen, titelpagina en 3 andere pagina’s van de voorrede in kopie, registerpagina beplakt.)
€2.500,00 Categories: All Products, History 1535 - Parisijs, ex officina Claudij Cheuallonij Nr. 12574
195, (5), (140) p. 19th-century Leather binding, 12° H. 11 x L. 8 x W. 2 cm. With a contemporary hand-coloured title and several hand-coloured capitals. Old annotations in the margin. Claude Chevallon, 1479-1537, was a medieval French printer. His printer’s mark had been two horses. He added the sun to this when his shop [...]
3 delen, (16, 56, 4) 757, (2) 798, (2) 788 (28) p. Origineel Leer met ribben, 4°
(titelprent, 22) 620 (12) p. Opnieuw gebonden half oud Perkament, 8°. Stichtelijke en ontdekkende verhandeling van de puritein Daniel Dyke, overleden in 1614 en de broer van Jeremiah Dyke (1584-1639). Uitgave in quarto, dus met een grotere letter dan de duodecimo editie. Keurig exemplaar, Laatste pagina in kopie op oud papier.