Wunderwehrtes Tractat von der Wahren Krafft-Tugend; Welche nicht bekant ist bey den itzigen Menschen; weil sie die Schein-Tugend nehmen anstatt der wahren Krafft-Tugend, die Jezus Christus an allen wahren Christen unterwiesen hat. Das Erste Teil.


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SKU: 11774 Bourignon, Anthoinette Category:

(24) 292 (12) p. Rebound Leather binding, 8°. (On 19 pp. 2-4 lines are written at the bottom in old handwriting instead of the printed.) Composed by Anthoinette Bourignon. Written in 24 letters, translated from the original French. Written to a fellow who sought the perfection of his soul. In what is taught that this consists in the death of his withered senses, and in the knowledge and denial of himself, and constant waking and praying against our soul enemies. Antoinette Bourignon de la Porte (1616-1680) was a French-Flemish mystic and adventurer. She taught that the end times would come soon and that the Last Judgment would then be felled. Her belief was that she was chosen by God to restore true Christianity on earth and became the central figure of a spiritual network that extended beyond the borders of the Dutch Republic, including Holstein and Scotland. Bourignon’s sect belonged to the spiritualist movements that have been characterized as the “third power”.