2 volumes, (portrait, 4, IV, 4) 84, 283 (12), (XI, 1) 363 (1), (6) 755 (12) p. Contemporary Leather with ribbed back, Folio (with the portrait of the author and 1 architectonic engraving. The pages are very clear. Edward Pococke 1604-1691, was an English Orientalist and biblical scholar. He made himself master of Arabic, which he not only read but spoke fluently, studied Hebrew, Samaritan, Syriac, and Ethiopic, and associated of friendly terms with learned Muslims and Jews who helped him in collecting manuscripts. Pococke’s observation of eastern manners and natural history served him in good stead as a commentator on the Old Testament (cf. his famous correction of ‘wailing like the dragons’ in Micah 1, into ‘howling like the jackals’) As a pastor he was devoted and indefatigable. The theological works of Pococke were collected in two volumes, and published in 1740 with a curious account of his life and writings by Leonard Twells.)
The Theological Works of the Learned Dr. Pocock, Sometime Professor of the Hebrew and Arabick Tongues, in the University of Oxford, and Canon of Christ-Church. Containing his Porta Mosis, and English Commentaries on Hosea, Joel, Micah, and Malachi. To which is prefixed, An Account of his Life and Writings, never before printed. With the Addition of a new General Index to the Commentaries. In Two Volumes. By Leonard Twells.
Author | |
Year of Publication | 1740 |
Publisher | |
Product Number | 7659 |