The History of the Puritans of Protestant Non-Conformists. In Two Volumes. Vol.I. containing The Reigns of King Henry VIII. Edward VI. Queen Mary, Queen Elizabeth, King James I. and part of King Charles I. to the commencement of the Civil War. Together with a Review of the first Part of the History, in Answer to the Vindication of the Church of England during the Reign of Queen Elizabeth, by the Right Reverend the Bishop of Worcester. Vol.II. containing Part of the Reign of King Charles I. from the commencement of the Civil War, the Period of the Common-wealth, Protectorship of Oliver Cromwell, the Reigns of King Charles II. James II. And Part of King William and Queen Mary. The Second Edition Corrected.


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2 volumes, (portrait, XXIII) 900 (31), (XX) 883 (29) p. New Linen Binding, 4°