The Booke of Psalmes, Collected into English Meeter, by Thomas Sternehold, Iohn Hopkins, and others. Conferred with the Hebrew, with apt Notes to sing them withall. Set forth and allowed to be sung in all Churches, of the people together, before and after Morning and Euening Prayer. As also before and after Sermon, and moreouer in priuate houses, for their godly solace and comfort, laying apart all vnngodly Songs and Ballads, which tend onely to the nourishment of vice, and corrupting of youth.


Year of Publication

(after 1633)


Product Number



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(10) 91 (11) p. Rebound in boards, 4° (One side of the spine entirely split, small tear in the margin of the final pafe. Dutch Psalmbook in the English language, containing the 150 psalms, 23 hymns and some prayers/confession of faith. Several of the first verses of the psalms and hymns have musical notation. Most of the psalms are written by Thomas Sternhold and John Hopkins, they compiled the first metrical English psalms which were completed later on by other musicians. This work was the property of reverend Herbert Boyce Satcher, authority on church music, and contains his book label and the ex-libris of the Satcher Bequest.)

(10) 91 (11) p. Opnieuw gebonden, gekartonneerd, 4° (Zijkant kneep volledig ingescheurd, laatste pagina heeft een scheurtje in de marge. Nederlands Psalmboek in de Engelse taal, bevattende de 150 psalmen, 23 gezangen en enkele gebeden/geloofsbelijdenis. Van verschillende psalmen en gezangen is het eerste couplet op noten gesteld. De psalmen zijn voornamelijk toe te schrijven aan Thomas Sternhold en John Hopkins, zij stelden de eerste metrische Engelse psalmen samen die later werden aangevuld door andere musici. Dit werk is het eigendom geweest van voorganger Herbert Boyce Satcher, autoriteit op het gebied van kerkmuziek, en bevat zijn eigendomslabel en het ex-libris van de Satcher Bequest.)