Reize in eenen palanquin, of lotgevallen en aanteekeningen op eene reize langs de kusten Orixa en Choromandel.


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SKU: 12614 Haafner, Jacob Gottfried Categories: , , ,

(XV) 454, (VIII [=VI) 514 (2) p. Origineel half Leer met ribben, 8°. Met vijf handgekleurde, en drie uitvouwbare prenten. J.G. Haafner, 1755-1809, was een Duits-Nederlands schrijver van reisverslagen. Hij bezocht Zuid-Afrika, Voor-Indié en Ceylon en had een afkeer van westers kolonialisme en slavernij.

J.G. Haafner, 1755-1809, started his literary activities very late in life. His first travel-book was published in 1806 in Haarlem. The importance of Haafner’s eyewitness accounts is that they were done during the decay of the VOC. Terpstra, in his analysis of Haafner’s views on colonialism as expressed in his works, comes to the conclusion that Haafner was an anti-colonialist, a man before his time, for his ideas were not to be topical until more than a century had elapsed. With five handcoloured, and three folding plates.

Literature: Tiele 434; Landwehr, VOC 348; cat. NHSM I, p.243, note; Landwehr, Dutch Books Col. Plates 295. De Silva/ Beumer p.461-462. Ex-libris collectie Buijnsters-Smets