Novum Testamentum Graecum, cum Lectionibus Variantibus Mss. Exemplarium, versionum, editionum, ss. Patrum et scriptorum ecclesiasticorum. Et in easdem notis. Accedunt Loca Scripturae Paralella, Aliaque Exegetica. Praemittitur Dissertatio de Libris N.T. Canonis Constitutione, et S. Textus N. foederis ad nostra usque tempora historia. Studio et Labore Joannis Millii S.T.P. Collectionem Millianam recensuit, meliori ordine disposuit, novisque accessionibus locupletavit Ludolphus Kusterum. Editio Secunda.


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SKU: 10966 N.T. | Mill, John | Küster, Ludolf Categories: , Tags: , , ,

(18, 168, 2) 632 p. Contemporary gold-stamped Vellum with raised bands, Folio (Wanting ties, several ownership-entries/bookplates in the front and no prize present. The New Testament in the Greek scholarly edition of John Mill (1645-1707) and Ludolf Küster (1670-1716). Text printed in columns first in Greek followed by Latin transcript, the main text is preceded by an elaborate introduction in Latin. Illustrated with a large vignette on the title-page and an engraved head-piece at the start of the book of Matthew. Bound in a richly decorated schoolprize binding of the city Dordrecht, featuring the Minerva Dordracena as a central ornament on the front and back cover. A firm and good-looking example of a Dordrecht prize-binding.)