Musicalisches Halleluja, oder schöne und geistreiche Gesänge, Mit neuen und anmuthigen Melodeyen begleitet, und zur Aufmunterung zum Lob Gottes, In Druck übergeben.


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(portrait, 8) 880 (8) p. Contemporary Leather, rebacked, 8° (Johann Caspar Bachofen was a Swiss composer and music teacher. Bachofen, son of a teacher, grew up in Zürich and studied theology, in 1719 he was admitted to the ministry, but only worked as a music teacher. Johann Caspar Bachofen published several collections of sacred songs and arias, some written by himself. In 1727 followed his musical opus magnum, the extensive collection of songs ‘Musicalisches Hallelujah, or Schöne und Geistreiche Gesänge’ (Beauty and Spiritual Songs), accompanied with new and revived melodies, and encouragement to praise God, printed by Hans Heinrich Bürkli in Zürich. The collection contains mainly three-part hymns for organ basso continuo accompaniment. His hymns were very popular in Switzerland, and his works give abundant evidence of his diligence and the wide range of his talent. The enormous popularity of the Musicalische Hallelujah, encouraged Bachofen to publish further five editions during his lifetime (1733, 1739, 1743, 1750, 1754), which were augmented by new songs. Even after his death the collection continued to be in print, the 11th and last edition appeared in 1803)