(46) 1147 (49) p. Contemporary folding Vellum, Folio (The tekst block is browned throughout. The best known work of Peter Martyr, or Peter Martyr Vermigli 1499-1562. The work was compiled after Martyrs death by Robert Masson and first published 1576. The Loci Communes presents a systematic theology which lays out the Christian doctrine. The work was of great influence and played a vital role in both the Swiss and English Reformation.)
Loci Commvnes D. Petri Martyris Vermilii Florentini sacrarum literarum jn schola Tigurina Professoris:Ex variis ipsius authoris scriptis, in unum librum collecti, & in quatuor Classes distributi. Quàm multa ad priorem editionem accesserint, ex admonitione quam prima pagina exhibebit, facile Lector deprehendet.
Author | |
Year of Publication | 1613 |
Publisher | |
Product Number | 9956 |