Institvtio Theologiae Elencticae, in qva Statvs Controversiae Perspicve exponitur, Praecipua Orthodoxorum Argumenta proponuntur & vindicantur, & Fontes Solutionum aperiuntur. Editio Nova Recognita & multis locis aucta: Cui accessit Oratio De Vita & Obitv Avthoris. Pars Prima (-Tertia et Vltima).


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SKU: 11426 Turretini, François Category:

3 volumes, (56) 756 (30), (32) 792 (31), (24) 714 (21) p. Contemporary Vellum, 4° (The volumes have partially renewed endpapers, text blocks slightly browned throughout and the first quire of volume one a bit loose. Scholastic textbook by Reformed scholastic François Turretini, or Francis Turretin (1623-1687). Turretini studied in Geneva and Leiden before becoming professor of theology in Geneva in 1653. He stood as the major representative of theological orthodoxy in Geneva in the latter part of the seventeenth century. In his Institutio Theologiae Elencticae he lays out the doctrine of the Reformed Church, in the first volume he treats theology, Scripture, the Trinity, divine decrees, creation, providence, angels, the original state of humanity, sin and free will. The second volume deals with God’s law, the covenant of grace, the person and state of Christ, His mediatorial office, calling and faith, justification, and sanctification and good works and the third volume treats the church, the sacraments, and the last things. It also includes indices, biographical sketches and Benedict Pictet’s Funeral Oration. A firm and complete set of this important theological text.)