In Acta Apostolorum per Diuum Lucam descripta, Homiliae CLXXIIII. Avthore Rodolpho Gvathero Tigvrino. Accesserunt operi Indices duo rerum & locorum scripturae, qui hoc libro explicantur. WITH: In Apocalypsim Iesu Christi, reuelatam quidem per engelium Domini, uidam uero uel exeptam atqve conscriptam à Ioanne apostolo & euangelista, Conciones centum: authore Heinrycho Bvllingero. Argumentum, praestantiam, utilitatemq(ue), & usum operis huius Apocalypseos, inuenies in Praefatione.



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SKU: 11401 Gwalther, Rudolf | Bullinger, Heinrich Category:

2 works in 1 binding, (26) 281 folia., (20) 313 (21) p. Contemporary blind-stamped Vellum over wooden boards with raised bands and clasps on straps, Folio (A few single wormholes, mostly in the margins and moderately some brownning and foxing in the margins. Bottom spine-end a bit worn and a piece of the back cover has been restored Lacks the bottom clasp, ownership-entries on the front paste-down and the first titlepage. Two works by leading Swiss reformers, the first by Rudolf Gwalther (1519-1586), and the second by Heinrich Bullinger (1504-1575). Gwalther was one of Bullinger’s students and was taken in the Bullinger residence in 1532 as he was an orphan. He followed in his foster fathers footsteps later as Antistes of the Zurich church after his death. Gwalther’s published commentaries are highly esteemed and rare, here his Latin homilies on the Acts of the Apostles containing 174 homilies. The second work contains Bullinger’s commentaries on the book of Revelation. Heinrich Bullinger preached on the book of Revelation in Zurich from 1554 until 1556. He was the only major reformer of the second generation who devoted a full-length work to this book.)