Horae Diurnae Breviarii Romani, Ex decreto sacro-sancti Coneilii Tridentum restituti: Pii V. Pont. Max jussu esiti: Clementis VIII, et Urbani VIII, Auctoritate recognita.


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(engraved titlepage) 476, CLXXXVI (4) p. Contemporary Leather with 4 raised bands, silver fittings, gilt-edged and gauffered text block, 12° 10,5 x 7 x 3,5 cm. (Some waterstains in the text block, mostly in the margins. The spine of the binding is slightly worn near the edges. Miniature book of hours in Latin bound in a firm black leather binding with richly decorated silver fittings. The text of the work is printed in black and red and is illustrated with many engravings. The silver fittings are made at the beginning of the eighteenth century and consist of eight corner-pieces and a double clasp, all decorated with a matching design of flowers and vines. A firm and complete copy.)