Histoire de Gustave-Adolphe Roi de Suede. Composée sur tout ce qui a paru de plus curieux, & surun grand nombre de Manuscrits, & principalement sur ceux de Mr. Arkenholtz.


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SKU: 11298 Mauvillon, Eléazar Category: Tags: , , ,

(6, X) 602 p. Contemporary Wrappers, 4° (Binding rubbed and partly restored, large and untrimmed text-block, lacks the portrait facing the titlepage. The first quarto-edition of this extensive biography of Gustav II Adolph (1594-1632), King of Sweden. Illustrated with 4 engraved maps of which 3 folding, 3 folding engravings of battles and 1 folding table illustrating the devision of Colonne.)