(8) 109 (3) p. Contemporary Leather with 6 raised bands, Folio (The sides of the spine are skillfully restored, page 37/38 has a tear in it which is reinforced, some pages are browned. Description of the progress, conquests, and government of Holland, including the Companies of the East and West Indies. Illustrated with 6 folding plates and 37 engraved pages, depicting almost 167 portraits and historical events, mostly designed in the shape of coins.)
Landwehr, J. (1991). VOC. A bibliography of publications relating to the Dutch East India Company 1602-1800, 1486. / Sloos, L. (2009). Warfare and the Age of Printing. Catalogue of Early Printed Books from before 1801 in Dutch Military Collections Vol. II, p. 211, no. 12153