Confessio et Expositio Simplex Orthodoxae Fidei, et Dogmatum Catholicorum Syncerae Religionis Christianae, Concorditer ab Ecclesiae Christi ministris, qui sunt in Helvetia, Tiguri, Bernae, Scaphusij, Sangalli, Curiae Rhetorum & apud confoederatos, Mylhusij item, & Biennae, quibus adjunxerunt se & Genevensis Ecclesiae ministri, edita in hoc, ut universis testentur fidelibus, quòd in unitate verae & antiquae Christi Ecclesiae, perstent, neq, ulla nova aut erronea dogmata spargant, atquè ideo etiam nihil consortij cum ullis Sectis aut haeresibus habeant: hoc demum vulgata tempore, qui de ea aestimaere pijs omnibus liceat.


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(8) 103 (4) p. Contemporary Paper Wrappers, 4° (Exteriors slightly rubbed, mostly on the spine, partly repaired tear in page 23/24. The Latin Bern edition of the Second Helvetic Confession compiled by Heinrich Bullinger (1504-1575). The confession was published in 1566 in both German and Latin and covers all the main doctrines of the Reformed faith. After the publication of the first editions the Second Helvetic Confession was translated in multiple other languages and was officially recognised by Reformed Churched in Europe and beyond. It became the first international Reformed confession and until now remains the confession of Reformed and Presbyterian churches throughout the world.)