254, 762 p. Contemporary overlapping Vellum, 8° (Endpapers renewed, a good copy.) The only edition of this commentary on the Apocalypse, written by the Dutch Calvinist Jean Taffin (1526-1602). Taffin completed a spiritual training and went to Antwerp, where he maintained contacts with the forbidden Calvinist community. From 1561 he worked as a Calvinist preacher in Metz and from 1569 in Heidelberg. Furthermore, Taffin was actively involved in the organization of the synods of Dordrecht, Emden and Middelburg.
Claire Exposition de l’Apocalypse ov Revelation de S. Ian. Avec deduction de l’histoire, & chronologies.
Author | |
Year of Publication | 1609 |
Publisher | |
Product Number | 11803 |