(22) 407, 99, 123 folia. Contemporary blind-stamped Leather with raised bands and clasps on straps, 4° 26 x 18 x 10 cm. (Top spine end restored, both clasps and part of the bottom strap are later, water stain throughout the inner margin and surroundings of the text-block. Heavily annotated throughout in Latin by an old hand and with several ownership entries on the first few pages. The first edition of the Zurich Latin Bible. This translation was edited by Konrad Pellikan (1478-1556), German protestant reformer, humanist and Hebraist, working chiefly from Zürich, Switserland. The Latin translation of the Jewish canonical books was begun by Leo Juda and completed by Theodor Bibliander. The Apocrypha was translated by Pierre Cholin and the New Testament was a revision of Erasmus’ version by Rudolf Gwalther. The reformer Heinrich Bullinger (1504-75) provided two extensive prefaces to the Bible. All resulting in a fine product of sodality of churchmen.)
Biblia Sacrosancta Testamenti Veteris & Noui, è sacra Hebraeorum lingua Graecorumq(ue) sontibus, consultis simul orthodoxis interpretibus, religiosissimi translata in sermonem Latinum. Authores omnem(que) totius operis rationem ex subiecta intelliges Praefatione.
Author | |
Year of Publication | 1544/1543/1543 |
Publisher | |
Product Number | 11352 |