Biblia, dat is De gantsche H. Schrifture, vervattende alle de Canonijcke Boecken des Ouden en des Nieuwen Testaments, door D.M. LUTHER, met de Psalmen en de Kleyne Catechismus, ofte onderwysinge in de Christelijke Leer, D. Martini Lutheri.


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SKU: 12183 BINDING | BIBLE | Luther, Martin Category:

3 parts in 1 volume, (engraved titlepage, 8) 918, (2) 253 (1) 292 p. 8°. Richly gilt calf binding. An elaborate gilt floral centrepiece on both covers, surrounded by 2 gilt borders. Inner panel with gilt roll-tooled floral border with alternating carnation, tulip, and anemone and with abundantly flowering corner fleurons pointing inwards and outwards, outer border consists of 2 more modest double gilt fillet borders surrounding a chain of interlocked hearts and dots, the space between inner and outer border is filled by a pattern of 2 gilt joined stamped flowers in the centre followed by a gilt anemone and then by a star shaped ornament consisting of sm. flower surrounded by 4 tulips pointing outward, richly gilt spine with red morocco letter piece, all edges gilt and gauffered. Spine vaguely creased, otherwise a fine binding by an unidentified binder.