Showing 1–12 of 14 results

1.500,00 Category:
1649 - Amsterdam, Ian Marcus
Nr. 10644

(4) 740, z.p. Origineel Leer met ribben en sloten, goud-op-snede, 12° 16,5 x 10 x 6 cm. (Naamsvermelding op het tweede vrije schutblad voorin. Polyglot Bijbel met het Nieuwe Testament in het Frans en Nederlands, gedrukt in twee paralelle colommen. De Franse bijbeltekst in de Geneefse bijbelvertaling, de Nederlandse in de Statenvertaling. Het kerkboek bevat [...]

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(engraved titlepage, 2) 601 p. Contemporary Leather with 4 raised bands, 12° (Text block slightly browned throughout, spine decorated with gilt ornaments and title: ‘Testament in 3 talen’. Polyglot Bible, containing the New Testament in French, English and Dutch. Printed in three parallel columns are the French Geneva version, the English King James version and [...]

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1.250,00 Category:
1736 - Utrecht, (Aux dépens de la Compagnie)
Nr. 10988

3 volumes in 2 bindings, (30) 133 71 (30) 148 71, (36) 199 (4) 71 p. Contemporary gold-stamped Leather with raised bands, 12° (The spine-ends and corner-tips are slightly rubbed at places, added to the third volume are 16 leaves with contemporary notes on church history in an old French hand.)

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(engraved titlepage, 2) 601 p. Contemporary Vellum, 12° (Polyglot Bible, containing the New Testament in French, English and Dutch. Printed in three parallel columns are the French Geneva version, the English King James version and the Dutch States Translation (Statenvertaling) version. Firm copy.) Darlow, T.H./Moule, H.F. (1963). Historical Catalogue of the Printed Editions of Holy [...]

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950,00 Category:
1853 - Paris, Sauret-Andriveau
Nr. 10529

Miniature terrestrial globe with a diameter of 7,5 cm. held in a wooden stand. The total height measuring 17 cm. Consisting of 12 paper gores and 2 polar caps, the continents are coloured in outline with green, the rest of the globe in a light brown shade. Published in 1853 in Paris by Sauret-Andriveau with [...]

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950,00 Categories: ,
(early 20th century) - Nurenberg, C. Abel Klinger
Nr. 10531

Miniature terrestrial globe with a diameter of 7 cm. held in a wooden stand with a brass half meridian. The total height measuring 15,5 cm. Consisting of 12 paper gores, all coloured in a brown/green shade, the continents coloured in outline. Published between 1928 and 1935 in Nurenberg by C. Abel Klinger with all names [...]

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Pluche, Noël-Antoine
650,00 Categories: ,
1772 - Paris, Estienne Brothers
Nr. 10940

(LX) 511 (4) p. Contemporary Leather with raised bands, 12° (Exteriors of the binding slightly worn, mostly at the top spine-end, some very slight browning/foxing throughout. The work is illustrated with a portrait of the author and 13 folding maps. The maps are all attractively hand-coloured in outline and depict all geographic regions of the [...]

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(2, LXXVI) 603 p. Contemporary gold-stamped Leather with raised bands and gilt-edged text block, 4° (Colour of the binding of the spine and part of the back cover faded. The first part of this renowned book bibliography by De Bure, being the volume on Theology.)


292 p. Contemporary half Leather, 8° oblong (Edges of the binding slightly worn, several pages lack a small piece of the margin. Multi-lingual work consisting of 558 moral verses of 8 lines drawn from the Old and New Testament, the main text printed in three columns, resp. in Latin, French and Dutch.)

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Price Not Available Categories: ,
(late 1920s) - Paris, L. N. et K. Editeurs
Nr. 10530

Miniature terrestrial globe with a diameter of 6 cm. held in a wooden stand. The total height measuring 15,5 cm. Consisting of 12 paper gores and 2 polar caps, some of the continents are coloured but most of the globe is coloured in a green shade. Published between 1928 and 1930 in Paris by L. [...]

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(6, X) 602 p. Contemporary Wrappers, 4° (Binding rubbed and partly restored, large and untrimmed text-block, lacks the portrait facing the titlepage. The first quarto-edition of this extensive biography of Gustav II Adolph (1594-1632), King of Sweden. Illustrated with 4 engraved maps of which 3 folding, 3 folding engravings of battles and 1 folding table [...]

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350,00 Category:
1832 - Neuchatel, Petitpierre et Prince
Nr. 10227

636 p. Contemporary red Leather, richly decorated with gold and gilt-edged text block, 12° (Some slight foxing throughout. Charming copy of the Psalms in French. The Psalms are preceded by a few prayers and all verses are accompanied by music notation. The work is bound in an attractive gold- and blind-stamped red leather binding, bearing [...]

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