Vindicae Fidei, or A Treatise of Iustification by Faith, wherein the truth of that point is fully cleared, and vindicated from the cauills of it’s Adversaries. The second Edition.









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Artikelnummer: 7657 PEMBLE, WILLIAM Kategorie:

(8) 248 (8) p. Rebound Leather with ribbed back and richly decorated with stamps, 4° (William Pemble c.1592-1623, was a puritan divine, born as a son of a clergyman. His father was poor, and his education was provided for by John Barker. After his graduation he removed to Magdalen Hall, where he became reader and tutor. He proceeded M.A. on 9 June 1618, took orders, and was made divinity reader of Magdalen Hall, a post which he filled with great distinction, being an able exponent of Calvinism, and famous as a preacher. He was loyal to the Anglican church, though anxious that the terms of conformity should be made easier to his party. His aquirements in various branches of learning were very remarkable. It would seem that his labours and studies exhausted his strenght and shortened his days. Pemble’s works were all posthumous, edited and published by his friends. Behind page 248 a table of contents concerning another book)