Maker’s mark at the bottom of the silver case: CS PS “Cornelius Desormeaux Saunders & James Hollings Shepherd. Floral open-worked cassette with two figures and a silver ring. H. 9 x W. 3,5 x D. 1,5 cm. Contents a Common Prayer book, London 1889.
2 volumes, 244, 245-258 p. Vol. 1 in 19th century Leather with a silver clasp, edges gilt, Vol. 2 in contemporary vellum, 64°. H. 4,8 x W. 3,8 x D. 2,3 cm. and H. 5 x W. 3,8 x 3 cm. (Volume 2, page 461 lacks a small piece of paper, the folding plate with [...]
(gegraveerde titelpagina) 416, 126 folia, z.p., 77 (3) p. Origineel Leer met ribben, 2 zilveren sloten, 8 zilveren hoeken, 2 zilveren kettingklampen met een zilveren ketting van ca. 0,75 meter lang, goud op snede en geciseleerd boekblok, 8° H. 18 x B. 12 x D. 7 cm. (Het leer op de rug en de voorplat [...]
2 werken in 1 band, (gegraveerde titelpagina, 19) 302, (2) 134, (12) 164, (2) 66 folia. Origineel Leer met ribben met hoeken en sloten, Folio, H. 46,5 x B. 29 x D. 15 cm. Fraai exemplaar van de Statenvertaling, bevattende het Oude en Nieuwe Testament en de Apocriefen. Geïllustreerd met een gegraveerde titelpagina en de [...]
Original richly blind-stamped vellum, spine renewed. (20), 235, (47) p. Folio. Title-page within a woodcut border, woodcut initials and tailpieces, 88 numbered, full-page plates, and one unnumbered folding double-page plate of a leaping horse, with a circular diagram of the anatomy of the horse. A free and extended German adaptation of one of the most [...]
352, 384 p. 8°. Swedish Lutheran hymnal Multipainted and gold embossed vellum binding. The central field with: “With God and with You I will be married” is set within a heart.
6 volumes and 1, (portrait, frontispiece, 14) 865, 889 (1) 29 (1), 447 (1), 389 (1), 227 (1), 149 (1), 87 (1, 3, 1), 128, 23 (1) 20, 159 (1), 390, 983 (1), (2) 72, 56, 98, 80, 196, 140, 24, 58, 36, 36, 96 (=74), (2) p. H. 46 x W. 29,5 cm. Contemporary [...]
Neu-entsprungene Wasser-Quelle, vor Gottes ergebene, und geistlich-durstige Seelen. Nebst einem[...]
2 works in one binding, (engraving, frontispiece, 4, portrait, 10) 363 (8), (frontispiece, 4) 214 (6) p. Contemporary Leather with silver fittings, 12°. A fine openwork silver binding from the last third of the 17th century over black fish skin on wooden covers. Chased and gauffred book covers, 2 engraved spine bands (1 replaced) of [...]
(double-page frontispiece) 305 (6) p. 8°. Contemporary calf on wooden boards covered by contemporary embossed and engraved silver plaques and two engraved silver clasps, decorated with a basket of flowers 12 x 6.5 cm.
Very finely worked, French binding in the style of the Régence. The scene on the front cover with master’s mark “T.G. under lily” and (probably) hallmarks. According to the assessment of a silver expert they point to France and date to the time before the Revolution of 1789. The binding of impeccable condition. With a [...]
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