Latin text in black ink on vellum, gilt, and decorated initials, with penwork on verso. Part of the “Credo”: Unam sanctam catholicam et apostolicam Ecclesiam […], recto and verso. Under passe-partout: 29×20 cm. Leaf: 10×7 cm., 16 lines each.
Latin text in black ink on vellum, gilt and decorated initials, recto, and verso. Part of a prayer. Under passe-partout: 29×20 cm. Leaf: 13,5×10 cm., 18 lines each.
Middledutch tekst in black ink on vellum, rubricated, recto and verso. Leaf: 12,5×9,5 cm., Tekst: 9,2×7 cm. 15 lines to each page, one 2-line initial in blue ink, heightened with gold. With penwork flourishes extending into left margin the so-called Holland style.
€100,00 Categories: All Products, Geschiedenis, History 1845 - Houghton, Southampton Nr. 25224
Manuscript op groot papier, B. 74,5 x H. 56,5 cm. Bevattende een koopovereenkomst van panden tussen Baron Lord Rivers en de executeur testamentair van Ruth Lywood met drie waszegels. Manuscript on large paper, W. 74.5 x H. 56.5 cm. Containing a purchase agreement of premises between Baron Lord Rivers and the executor testamentary of Ruth [...]
€100,00 Categories: All Products, Geschiedenis, History 1812 - Houghton, Southampton Nr. 25223
Manuscript op groot papier, B. 50 x H. 37 cm. Bevattende de laatste wil en testament van Ruth Lywood en het aanhangsel van de executeur testamentair met zegel. Manuscript on large paper, W. 50 x H. 37 cm. Containing the last will and testament of Ruth Lywood and the appendix of the executor of the [...]
€9.750,00 Categories: Bibles/Bindings, Highlights, New Acquisitions, New York 2024, Religion 1728 - Kloster Arnsburg Nr. 12226
Latin-German manuscript on paper by several hands in black and red ink. 2 nn. fol., 158 paginated pages 14-25 lines. Type area: ca. 17 x 13,5 cm. Format: 21,5 x 17,5 cm. With a colored title page depicting a coat of arms, some square notations, and over 70 small colored text illustrations. Beautiful dark red [...]
Text: ‘Laet nu Godt gepresen zijn in sijn heijlighdom, sier fijn, gelooft sij hij en gehacht uijt den hemel vol van kracht, in heerllijckheijt hoogh verheven, looft hem in sijn wercken reijn, die hij gevrocht heeft alleijn, die van sijn macht tuijgnis geven. Aernout van Este 1683’. Rare manuscript tekst with pen drawing of a [...]