New Acquisitions

(4) 201 (i.e. 200) (13) folia. Contemporary blind-stamped Vellum with raised bands, 4° (Text block slightly browned throughout, a few pages are slightly worn in the margins due to extensive use, bottom spine-end split at one side.) The best-known work of Italian physician and philologist Girolamo Mercuriale (1530-1606). First published in 1569 it was the [...]

Binding / N.N.

352, 384 p. 8°. Swedish Lutheran hymnal Multipainted and gold embossed vellum binding. The central field with: “With God and with You I will be married” is set within a heart.

(2) 368 (4) p. Contemporary Enamel binding. German Church book with 26 silver mountings with rich polychrome enamel pit relief and body enamel work and 10 bordered oval enamel miniature paintings of the 19th century. Three-sided gilt edges. With high-quality enamel miniatures in 8 openwork corner pieces and 2 equally openwork center pieces. Furthermore, 12 [...]

Very finely worked, French binding in the style of the Régence. The scene on the front cover with master’s mark “T.G. under lily” and (probably) hallmarks. According to the assessment of a silver expert they point to France and date to the time before the Revolution of 1789. The binding of impeccable condition. With a [...]

Binding / N.N.

Fraaie zeventiende-eeuwse filigrain band, Nederlands zilver. Bestaande uit een zilveren voor- en achterplat, rug, en sloten. H. 10,5 x B. 6 x D. 2,5 cm. De band is rijkelijk versierd: de voorplat met een spiegelmonogram “AX”, de achterplat met een afbeelding van het “Anker”, het symbool voor geloof, hoop en liefde. Met een boekblok als [...]


3 works in one binding, (frontispiece, 14) 944, 284 (4),(12) 660 (18), 141 (3) p. Contemporary blind-stamped, gauffered Leather, 8°. A fine copy, containing the Old and New Testament and the Apocrypha and a song and prayer book. Contemporary red full leather with rich gilding on both covers and the spine, three-sided gauffered gilt edges [...]

Binding / Mourids Brun

(8) 384 (8), 300 (12) p. Bordeaux-red velvet binding with silver fittings, gilt-edged and gauffered text block, 8°. Danish church book with silver fittings, 8 openwork figural corner fittings, 4 similar hinge plates, 2 oval medallions with openwork border, as well as 2 solid silver clasps of the end of the 18th century. 25 meditations [...]


2 volumes, 244, 245-258 p. Vol. 1 in 19th century Leather with a silver clasp, edges gilt, Vol. 2 in contemporary vellum, 64°. H. 4,8 x W. 3,8 x D. 2,3 cm. and H. 5 x W. 3,8 x 3 cm. (Volume 2, page 461 lacks a small piece of paper, the folding plate with [...]

Binding / N.N.

2 works in 1 binding, (titleplate, 214 (2), 424 (8), 96 p. 8°. Multipainted and gold embossed vellum binding. The central field with a large tree of life growing from a heart: “Singet und spielet dem Herrne in eurm Herzen”.


63 (1) p. Format: H. 2.8 x W. 2 x D. 0,3 cm ent. engraved with 8 full-page engravings. With calendar for 1827. Contemporary gold-stamped red morocco decorated with gold and gilt-edged text block (corners very lightly rubbed). Very rare. Ref. Welsh 220; Spielmann 8; Gumuchian 4056; Cp. Grand-Carteret 2060 with imprint “E. Jourdan”. – Pas [...]

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Catalogue for the New York Antiquarian Book Fair 2021.

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Catalogue on Reformation and the Dutch Second Reformation.

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Catalogue for the New York Antiquarian Book Fair 2020.

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